The Gems - Taimoor Kamal Malik
The Gems - Taimoor Kamal Malik
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This book which is collection of my wandered writings epitomizes my inherent desires and my latent talent to put across an insight amongst my class-fellows that I can write and can write well especially keeping in view our examination system. Our examination system is miles away from the creed that Examination or succinctly the education should be free from any purpose. Yes, but our education is always tinged with a purpose and that is to get through any particular examination and to achieve decent score. I still remember my interview for the admission into MA English where my professors express with surprise, if not with acclaim, that I have not been a formal student of English Literature yet, I can write well in this language and that writing, if I call it a skill, becomes magic wand that brings about my admission at G.C Lahore. The compilation of writing which I have written largely two and half decades ago is definitely courageous feat. I darted it to expose myself. To bring out the writing /scribbles etc., may be nauseating or irrelevant or may be castigated by the readers as it may not add to their knowledge yet I dare it at the cost of encouraging other nascent writers to dare. I have to burn mid night oil repeatedly to skim through the script but this sojourn is worth for it. The instant book is divided into five parts starting from my recently indited and presented research papers during SMC and MCMC and then the other Parts of the book present my articles which have been published by various newspapers during my student-ship and later as a student of M-Phil political Science at G.C. Lahore. It is divided into five parts as mentioned supra and each part bears no relevance with the earlier part.
Each part of this book is consisted of those writing endeavors which have already been published either in any newspaper or in college magazine. These writings are an embodiment of immature writings where most of the readers would find irrelevant but the sole purpose behind this compilation is to encourage students and the professionalism to share their written perceptions about certain issues or ideas to the people at large. There they might find something worth -reading.
It would be in-appropriate and injustice if I do not offer my special thanks to my wife Marium and my three children namely Faizan, Ahmad & Al-Munteha for their ceaseless prayers and motivation during this entire ordeal and my brothers Shainshah Raza Kamal and Umer Adil Kamal for their unremitting and selfless efforts in arranging and sifting of the data.
College life of every student is a cherished period of his life. It may be replete with joy-horse or jog-trotting life or it may be a jaded and boring routine of any book-worm student. But in either case, indubitably it brings out inner and latent faculties to inter-play and inmost recesses to bridge. The life of the present writer was in no way different from the afore-mentioned preposition. However, a spice was added into his college life wittingly or un-wittingly and that was to ameliorate the standard of education and all enabling skills which a student was required to learn to compete in this cut-throat competition. Indubitably, it was cumbersome and needed to carry on un-ceaselessly to win laurels by burning midnight lamps day in day out. It was done and the dividend was this book and the job. The instant book is compilation of writing endeavors in prose which had already been published in various newspapers and magazines over a period of time. To begin with, the opening portion makes public the individual Research Paper (IRP) and the Current Affair topic paper written during my mandatory training (SMC) at NIM Lahore. Similarly, the second part gives an insight into my writings during Mid-Career Management Course (MCMC) at NIM Lahore. The third part compiles some of my articles which have already graced the pages of some newspapers during my student-hood at G.C, Lahore. The Fourth part is dedicated to a few writing attempts during my Specialized Training Programme (STP) at Directorate of Training Karachi. And finally, the last part evinces some of writing scripts including research papers or theories which I dilated upon during my brief stay as a student of M-Phil at G.C Lahore which could not be completed due to start of my professional career as Assistant Collector Customs after qualifying for 28th CTP Examination.
The sole purpose behind this book is to preserve some memories associated with these written pieces. However, the blemish one can ascribe to it is incoherence, improper footnotes and bibliography. The benefit of doubt can be endowed upon the student who was writing three decades ago without having any formal education regrading Bibliography etc., and at this juncture, I did not deem it to review these scripts.
About the Author
Taimoor Kamal Malik was born at Shahdara Town, Lahore, got early education from Govt. High School, Shahdara. He stood second in Lahore Board Matric Examination in the year 1987, bestowed upon National Talent & Merit Scholarship. Afterwards, he was given President’s Award on Islamic studies. He took admission in Govt. College Lahore and went through his M.A. (English) examination. Then he passed his M.A. (Political Science) with distinction and started his practical life as a Lecturer (English) at M.A.O. College, Lahore. Afterwards, he qualified for superior services of Pakistan and declared the best probationer for the year 2001- 2002 after completion of his STP. Moreover, he has done his EMBA and LLB also. He was awarded Letter of Appreciation from the Chief Secretary Punjab (2005) and Letter of Appreciation from the Federal Board of Revenue (2014). He has also been a regular column writer in various newspapers like The Pakistan Times, Frontier Post, The Nation etc. The “Golden Verses” is his debutant attempt in English Poetry.
Title: The Gems (Collection of Writings)
Author: Taimoor Kamal Malik
Subject: Essays
ISBN: 9693535529
Language: English
Year of Publication: 2023
Number of Pages: 245