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Growing up with Motherland Pakistan (Autobiography) - Prof. Dr. Rashid Ahmad Mirza

Growing up with Motherland Pakistan (Autobiography) - Prof. Dr. Rashid Ahmad Mirza

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This autobiography narrates the personal journey and struggles of a man who was born in a poor family of a village in Pakistan. Truly the fate of a country is intertwined with the hopes, dreams, determination, collective memories and resilience of its citizens. Penned down after much research and some deliberation this book reflects on the fraught relationship between a poor man and his nation born against all odds. It talks about the history and struggle of a newly born nation's journey to survive; not surprisingly the journey is as dramatic as the author's own life. I am neither a historian and nor a political analyst yet as a malnourished child- a survivor who witnessed the violence of Partition and what followed a few years after- I feel I have somewhat earned the right to be a little more opinionated and emotional towards the end of this book especially when commenting on and assessing our journey as a nation so far so the insights are my humble opinion and solely my own.

Title: Growing up with Motherland Pakistan (1942-2022) Autobiography of A Common Man and Political History of Pakistan
Author: Prof. Dr. Rashid Ahmad Mirza
Subject: Autobiography 
ISBN: 9693536452
Language: English
Number of Pages: 224
Year of Publication: 2025

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