Kaisay Kaisay Loag (Khaakay)
Kaisay Kaisay Loag (Khaakay)
Title: Kaisay Kaisay Loag (Khaakay)
ISBN: 9693532317
Author: Dr. A. B. Ashraf
Subject: Essays, Character Sketches
Language: Urdu
Year of Publication: 2019
Number of Pages: 256
بہت اچھی کتاب ہے پڑھ کر لطف آ گیا
This is a 256 pages unique book of sketches by our known scholar and teacher of Urdu, Dr. Ashraf. He has been working as Chairman Urdu chair in Ankara University of Turkey. There are 40 essays about various personalities who left a pleasant and lasting impression on the writer's mind. His sketches portray a person with love, esteem but at the same time he mentions his/her weaknesses and that makes this book outstanding. Dr. Ashraf's diction is simple and contemporary and does not leave an ugly mark on the reader's vision or psyche.
Sang e meel publishers have used very good quality paper, computer composing, and binding of this book. Its very presentable and highly recommended.
Kaisay Kaisay Loag (Khaakay)